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Network Port: zacNET

IP range 172.20.xx.xx

Devices, such as laptops or a lighting console, can be connected to zactrack master anchor.


  • The zactrack master anchor hosts a wifi access point.
  • The default wifi SSID starts with “zactrackMini” and contains a device dependent suffix.
  • Your login sheet provides the default password.
  • You can customized the following wifi settings:
    • your SSID,
    • your password,
    • the frequency, i.e., 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz,
    • the channel within the frequency chosen, and
    • if you want to hide your wifi/SSID.
  • When you choose to hide your wifi access point, the SSID will not be shown when your device scans for available wifis.

Note: If you customize your wifi settings and do not remember them, you can lock yourself out. However, you can still access the zactrack master anchor via the network port.
Nevertheless, we encourage you to change at least the password for security reasons.

XLR Port

Sends out DMX512 universe data to the effect devices attached.

mini/network.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/31 11:53 by zvonek