Before you can measure your anchors and calibrate your system, you have to discovery your anchors and trackers.
Tap on the 3 dots in top right corner to open the menu (see
Menu for details).
Tap on the option Tracking Server.
With the dialog popping up, you can discovery your anchors and trackers.
The system tries to discover the anchors and trackers now.
The system has finished the discovery process.
The dialog will show you now how many unassigned trackers it discovered.
Note: Trackers that are already part of your show/configuration are not counted here.
You have finished the discovery process of your anchors and trackers.
You will return to the screen displayed in the first image on this page.
Make sure that the system discovered all of your anchors and trackers.
Make sure that all of your trackers and anchors have a correct firmware version.