Each zacTag you want to use with zactrack has to be registered in the show editor
Type in the name of the actor
DMX Value (1..255)
DMX Value of which the zacTag will be assigned from the console.
Example: DMX Value 1
Lighting console sends the DMX Value 1 → zacTag is activated and fixture will follow the position of this particular zacTag
Lighting console sends the DMX Value 0 → No zacTags activated → Fixture can be used as a standard fixture without tracking.
Tracking ID
Unique tracking ID of a zacTag. This ID is labeled on the back of each zacTag.
Control Universe
Input universe coming from the console
Channel # (1…512)
DMX start address of the patched zacTag fixture on the console
Pick a random colour which represents the actor in the Live View
Toggle Merge
to use multiple physical zacTags as one because of backup and steadiness reasons
Note: You are able to merge as many zacTags as you want.