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zactrack manual

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System Overview
Safety Standards
Hardware Overview
Software Overview
UWB Radiotracking




zactrack 3 APP

Autofunctions APP

[[manual:Tracking Server]]\\

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Zactrack mini is able to perform a complete independent measuring algorithm. It is a very easy and fast process. The system is performing a mesh ranging procedure and gets all distances between the zactrack components.
The zactrack resolver uses these information and calculates the positions of the anchors according to the calibration points' positions. The positions of the calibration points define your coordinate system.

Open the zactrack App and go to Points

Tap on the System Calibration button

You can choose between Reinitialize System (Auto) or Reinitialize System (Measure) or Reposition Anchors (Auto)

  • Reinitialize System (Auto) will do a complete new Setup with a new coordinate System using Mesh ranging technology.
  • Reinitialize System (Measure) will do a complete new Setup with a new coordinate System using Manual Measuring tool. Leica
  • Reposition Anchors (Auto) will only reinitialize the position of a selected subset of anchors and does no changes in the coordinate system.

    The system lists all discovered Anchors.
    → In case of an error message check: Something went wrong?

    For the mesh ranging there have to be 4 points on the floor necessary. In default these four points are the predefined trackers blinking with the colors white, red, blue, and green.
    → In case of an error message check: Something went wrong?
    The system guides you to position the four trackers.

    The system is doing the Mesh ranging procedure.
    → In case of an error message check: Something went wrong?

    After collecting the data the system is calculating the positions. The resolver tries to find the best solution. There can be more attempts and a lot of iterations

    A green value means a good result.
    → If there is a yellow value or an error message check: Something went wrong?

    The anchor status is now displayed as red. Upload Show

    Set up successful!
manual/mini_measure.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/09 12:53 by zvonek