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zactrack Documentation

Fixture Types

To use Fixtures in the zactrack App it is necessary to import a Fixture Type first.


Press the add.jpg icon to add a Fixture Type.


The zactrack App includes a lot of different Fixture Types in the Lighting Fixtures Library. It is possible to create your own Fixture Type or change settings of an existing Type.


In the next tab under Other Protocols there are more Fixtures independent of lighting.

  • MIDI Show Control (MSC) 

    Create your own MSC Fixture Types. See MIDI Show Control for more information.

  • Open Sound Control (OSC) 

    Create your own OSC Fixture Types or chosse one out of the Library. See Open Sound Control for more information.

  • PosiStageNet (PSN) 

    Create your own PSN Fixture Types. See Posi Stage Net for more information.

In the Fixture Type Dialog a Create Custom button can be found.


Add a name for your Fixture Type.


Create the Channelset for your own Fixture Type.

  • Name / Short Name 

    Name of the Fixture Type.

  • Fixture Type 

    Choose from:

    • Headmover

      Standard Moving Head.

    • Mirror

      Mirror based Fixture e.g. Scanner

    • XYZMover

      Outputting XYZ Data via DMX (ArtNet, sACN)

  • No.of Channels 

    Total number of channels for the Type. Necessary to patch correctly.

  • Pan / TIlt / Dimmer / Zomm / Focus / Iris 

    This 6 channels are modified within the zactrack system if AUTO 6 is used.

  • Edit Channels 

    To be able to use the highlight function, a usage without the console, zactrack needs at least all channels to set an output.

    Shutter, RGB, ...

  • Measure Pan/Tilt Angles 

    zactrack uses the physical limits of a channel to calculate the position of the Fixture in the Fixture Alignment. If these values are not available it is possible to measure them. Often some of the older fixtures have no correct values. It is possible to measure these values in the Fixture Type, or directly in the Fixture window. See Fixture for more information.


For basic Control (Auto 2) zactrack needs at least PAN and TILT channel information.


Attention to the physical range of the channels. They are important for the correct function.


Setting for a single channel.

In the Fixture Type Settings it is possible to change channel sets, physical ranges, speed settings, ...


In the Edit Channels window, all channels with their highlight value can be found.


It is possible to add a channel. E.g. for highlight values.

Speed Settings:


Every Fixture Type has a prediction and a smoothing value. It is split in XY and Z Axis.


It`s possible to change the setting Slow, Medium, Fast in the live view or over the console.


Prepare the values for your show situation and change the preset live in your show.

  • Prediction 

    Due to the mass of a Fixture and a System Delay it is necessary to predict the Fixture into to the Future.

    • XYZ positions in the past are used to predict the future position

    • Precalc time pushes the position further into the future

    • Higher precalc makes the curve “jumpy

    • 0-1000ms common precalc range


    A high value, will push the light or the position more in the future. In case of a stop it will overswing.

  • Smoothing 

    During the movement Smoothing will filter the signal.

    • Length of history defines the smoothness of the curve

    • Short history makes the curve less smooth

    • Long history adds up more latency

    • 0% → no smoothing → almost raw signal

    • 10% - 100% common smoothing range

Use the Import button.


Import zactrack natives or GDTF formats. See GDTF for more information.

Use the Export button.


Use this function to export zactrack native files to the tablet file system.


zactrack officially supports General Device Type Format. See GDTF Share for more information.